BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?

Fulton County Georgia

“More shocking news on Runbeck printing company which supplied ballots to both Arizona and Georgia.  We’ve already made some shocking observations about Runbeck – the Arizona printing company involved in the 2020 Election in both Arizona and Georgia.  We know that Runbeck shipped thousands of ballots to the same guy in Georgia who was behind the calls of a water main break in Atlanta and who was behind the removal of the whistleblower from working in Georgia elections.  (If there was a Republican Party in Georgia who cared about the integrity of their elections, this guy would be gone.)”

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  • Admin 2
    published this page in RIGHT NOW NEWS 2021-10-26 07:34:57 -0500

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