Man charged in Winnipeg Jeep attack is Antifa… Here’s the punk’s photo
“David Alexander Zegarac has been named as the driver who struck 4 men in an attempt in Vancouver to murder freedom fighters this weekend. Zegarac — a 43-year-old musician from Winnipeg who describes himself as Indigenous, Serbian and Irish — is the frontman of Canadian punk bands The Brat Attack, Dead Peasants Revolt, The Black Mass Brigade, and Class War Kids.”
Read moreHAPPENING NOW: Violent Minneapolis Black Lives Matter Mob Loots Sneaker Shop, Target, Walgreens, CVS
“A large mob of Black Lives Matter militants looted a Target late Thursday evening in response to a fatal police shooting in the city. Winston “Boogie” Smith, 32, was reportedly wanted on a state warrant for being a felon in possession of a firearm. After being stopped in his vehicle by law enforcement, the U.S. Marshals Service says he “produced a handgun.”
Read moreFlamethrower-Packing Antifa 'Entered Fetal Position And Began Crying' After Unsuccessful Escape From Cops
“A 23-year-old Wisconsin man carrying a flamethrower, smoke grenades, and fireworks during a Saturday night demonstration in Green Bay 'dropped into the fetal position and began crying' after he was chased down by police.”
We suspect you won't see this on CNN.
Read moreWILD: now sends you direct to Joe Biden’s campaign website
So when you donate to, it goes right to Joe Biden. In case you had any doubts about who was benefiting.
As a bonus, when you donate to Black Lives Matter (BLM) it goes right to act blue and then on to progressive candidates like Joe Biden.
Read moreThree Days After Seattle Police Chief Publishes Letter of Resignation ANTIFA Riots In Seattle — Police Are No Where To Be Found
“Black Bloc ANTIFA took to the streets of downtown Seattle tonight like marauding Vikings when they realized that Seattle Police were not coming out to meet them. “
Read moreAntifa Activists Take Over Six City Blocks in Seattle Washington – Create Lawless “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”…
It is really quite stunning how the U.S. media have avoided reporting on a group of activists in Seattle who have taken over part of the city surrounding the abandoned East precinct police station. No-one is being allowed inside what they are calling a “Free Capitol Hill Zone” or “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).
We did a search on the Associated Press website and there was nothing on the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. Thank You, Sundance.
Read moreWho Is Funding and Organizing the Antifa Insurrection?
“Someone is organizing criminals and vandals to loot and destroy cities but the corporate media don’t seem all that interested in getting to the bottom of it. In fact, Democrats and their allies in the press have been actively engaging in misdirection, lamely accusing white supremacists of being behind the mayhem plaguing “peaceful protests.””
Read moreHere Are The Companies That Support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Want You Dead
“Hi! This is a list of all of the “woke” companies that are supporting violent protests across the United States. Despite the chaos, destruction, and deaths, “woke” companies across the country have still come out in support of #BlackLivesMatter, Antifa terrorists, and general criminals.”
Thank you, Ashley.
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