Biden Ukraine 'Dealings' Back In Spotlight: NYT Sues For Emails; Memo Accuses Hunter Of 'Undercutting' Corruption Fight
“As the 2020 election drew to a crescendo, bombshell reports of Biden family corruption were deemed verboten misinformation. Both legacy, and social media, refused to cover credible reports of Joe and Hunter Biden's involvement in everything from CCP-linked Chinese energy companies (10 for the big guy!), to footage of the now-president bragging about withholding $1 billion in a quid-pro-quo with Ukraine unless they fired their chief prosecutor, Victor Shokin.”
Read moreWow, ABC News Breaks Mainstream Media Blackout Of Hunter Biden Story
“In a video report, ABC News' Tom Llamas confronts Biden in person and lobs several hardball questions about the Hunter Biden scandal. Did Joe Biden allow his son to earn millions in shady deals in foreign countries?”
If you are using Chrome for a browser, Google may cut off the video. Copy / paste the URL into Firefox or Tor. The video is 1:37 long.
Read moreFBI Stonewalls Over Hunter Biden; Refuses To Provide Congress Answers On Burisma, China
We think the cracks are showing. “The FBI is stonewalling a congressional inquiry into Hunter Biden's overseas business activity described in a Senate report last month which chronicles the Biden family's international conflicts of interest, as well as potentially criminal business activity, according to The Federalist.”
Read moreBurisma Admits That They Bribed The U.S. Vice-President, Joe Biden
Testimony coming from a court in Ukraine indicates that Burisma Gas Holdings Corp bribed Joe Biden. The court is the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv.
Also, see the comments below.
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Senate Report Says Joe Biden Allowed Family to Enrich Themselves Abroad While He Was VP
Well, no longer smoke and mirrors but here is the tip of the iceberg. This will not be resolved by election day, but we expect a lot of "sturm und drang" which may be roughly read as yelling and screaming.
Read moreTreasury flagged foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden-tied firms as ‘suspicious’
"The concerns from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) were highlighted in Suspicious Activity Reports turned over to Senate committees over the last year in conjunction with investigations into the Russia and Ukraine scandals, according to several officials familiar with the evidence."
Read moreWaPo Does Damage Control After "Far More Damaging" Biden-Ukraine Tapes Disclosed
The Washington Post is trying to get ahead of what Rudy Giuliani says are "far more damaging" tapes of 2016 phone calls between former Vice President Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, which are set for release over the summer by a former Ukrainian diplomat.
Read moreUkraine intercepts $6M bribe to stop investigation into Burisma founder
“Ukrainian prosecutors said they intercepted a multimillion-dollar bribe intended to be used in an effort to stop a criminal investigation into the founder of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that once employed Hunter Biden. former Vice President Joe Biden's son, on its board.”
Read moreMittens, the Deep State, and the Ongoing Coup Against POTUS
"Recently, one of my email pals sent me an incredible opinion piece from Howell Woltz at The International Centre for Justice, in Warsaw, Poland. He is the author of “Justice Denied: The United States vs. the People,” a very interesting book about the US justice system and federal prisons and the need for some serious reform. Occasionally, an opinion piece is so profound that it simply MUST be disseminated to a much wider audience than a simple blog post.
Note that the date of this piece is from October of last year. It is still germane today.
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