Businessman and self-confessed drug addict took the laptop to a back-street IT store in Delaware in 2019
The laptop from Hell story continues from the other side of the pond. “The son of the man expected by many to be America's next President abandoned a laptop containing a treasure trove of top-secret material, including his father's private emails and mobile phone numbers, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Remarkably, the 50-year-old businessman and self-confessed drug addict took the machine to a back-street IT store in Delaware in April 2019 to get it repaired – yet never returned to collect it.”
If you think this all is just too complicated; Air Force 2 logs indicate that Hunter traveled with his father to 29 separate countries. So this may be just the tip of the iceberg.
Read moreWow, ABC News Breaks Mainstream Media Blackout Of Hunter Biden Story
“In a video report, ABC News' Tom Llamas confronts Biden in person and lobs several hardball questions about the Hunter Biden scandal. Did Joe Biden allow his son to earn millions in shady deals in foreign countries?”
If you are using Chrome for a browser, Google may cut off the video. Copy / paste the URL into Firefox or Tor. The video is 1:37 long.
Read moreHunter Biden Confesses Partnership With China 'Spy Chief' -- Fumes After He And Joe Named As Criminal Witnesses: Audio
We think this guy is a walking "Train Wreck". “An audio recording exclusively obtained by the National Pulse reveals Hunter Biden discussing business involvement with a “spy chief of China” and how his business partner Devon Archer named him and his father as witnesses in a Southern District of New York Criminal case.”
Read more'You'll Bury Everyone Involved': Bobulinski Recorded Biden Operatives Begging Him To Stay Quiet, Set To Release Tues Also Chanel Rion and the "Laptop From Hell"
“Former Biden insider Tony Bobulinski allegedly has a recording of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet, or he will "bury" the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas dealings.”
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Read moreWow – Puerto Rico Governor Fires Emergency Response Director After Massive Warehouse of Unused Aid Discovered
"(VIA CBS) Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced fired the island’s emergency management director on Saturday, after a video showing aid sitting unused in a warehouse went viral on social media. Some of the aid has allegedly been sitting in the warehouse since Hurricane Maria struck in 2017."
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