DNC Wants Bernie Defeated This Month, Well Ahead of Milwaukee Convention
"A couple of recent data points highlights a purposeful plan where the DNC Club wants Bernie Sanders crushed this month, well ahead of the Milwaukee DNC convention.
Last night the New York Times posted a blistering expose’ on Bernie, complete with journalists traveling to the former Soviet Union city of Yaroslavl Russia, to dig up opposition research they could deploy framing Senator Sanders as a comrade to Russian interests. The Times research team presented an 89-page “Bernie Dossier” of sorts.
A little inside baseball story.
Read moreMore Manipulation – National DNC (Club) Takes Over Iowa Caucus Accounting From Iowa Democrat Party
"Honest question for Democrat voters: Can’t you see how the national DNC is controlling the outcomes of your elections? As we have repeated for years, the DNC and RNC are private clubs with complete control over the processes, rules, and application of standards within the political races they convene. There is no oversight over the Club."
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