Dominion Voting 'Lawyers Up' Before Abruptly Backing Out Of Pennsylvania Fact-Finding Hearing
“Dominion Voting Systems Thursday night abruptly backed out of attending a fact-finding hearing that was set for Friday morning with the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee. At a press conference Friday morning, State Govt Committee Chair Seth Grove said the 1.3 million Pennsylvanians who used Dominion’s voting machines have been “hung out to dry and slapped in their faces.””
Read moreSidney Powell begins to release the Kraken
“I’ve got a firsthand witness. In fact, I’ve just emailed you an affidavit from a witness who can now be used publicly. It’s redacted in some places but he was present for the creation of the system for this specific purpose of falsifying election results for Hugo Chavez and then Maduro. They exported this all over Latin America. It’s the Smartmatic and Dominion systems that were built to do this very thing, for changing the results of elections."
Read moreBOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”
This is certainly interesting. “This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.””
“Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.”
Read moreSidney Powell — ‘I’m going to release the Kraken…I’m going to expose every one of them’
“Release the Kraken: vows to expose the Silicon Valley and left-wing corporations that are using their power to help Democrats steal the election from President Trump.”
Read moreScytl Company Website Crashes – Company Reportedly Released Statement, Refuting Reports of US Raid in Germany
“On Friday Rep. Louie Gohmert told Chris Salcedo on Newsmax that people on the ground in Germany report that Scytl, which hosted elections data improperly through Spain, was raided by a large US ARMY force and their servers were seized in Frankfurt.” has issued a disclaimer but their website is now down. You may find a splash page but the site is no longer functional as of this posting. We think this is very curious.
Scroll down for the first comment for a brief update.
Read moreIT Contractor for Dominion Ballot Counting Software Co. Exposes Massive Ballot Fraud in Detroit Michigan…
“If what Ms. Mellissa Carone outlines is true, this would explain how the ballots in Michigan were manipulated. Ms. Carone was a contracted worker for Dominion a company providing software services for ballot-counting machines in Detroit.”
Thank You, Sundance.
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