"Rintrah Radagast posted a very important article yesterday. It shows us a potential explanation of why excess mortality is related to COVID boosters, why the association of Covid vaccines with mortality strengthens as time goes on instead of declining, and why boosted people take the longest to clear Covid-19."
Very Troubling News.
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"A couple of weeks ago, I made a post that alleged that Molnupiravir, a mutagenic drug that makes the RNA of Sars-Cov-2 mutate, causes new COVID variants to appear faster than before. A preprint for a new scientific study was just published that confirms this contention."
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"Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators."
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"There are two Covid-specific drugs. One is Paxlovid, developed by Pfizer, which causes “Paxlovid rebounds” and was not tested by Pfizer on vaccinated people. I wrote about a dozen articles on it, exposing it as snake oil, and this one is a good summary. Another is Molnupiravir, which has a very interesting mode of action. It interferes with viral replication, CAUSING AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF MUTATIONS, so much that the mutated viral descendants are essentially defective and cannot replicate." However, the problem is that SOME mutated copies CAN replicate — and cause excessive generation of “Covid variants” — a so-called “variant soup.”"
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"How interesting. The Atlantic is one of the most forward-looking and yet curated publications and they do not publish rubbish and random musings. And now they have a prominent author asking for “amnesty” and forgiveness. The article rambles and weaves to avoid mentioning anything specific as to what the amnesty would be FOR. What are the specific misdeeds that The Atlantic wants to be forgiven? Emily’s article is NOT clear."
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“Various Internet conspiracy theorists and ignorant, misinformed election deniers have been saying for months that a small elections software company was a China influence operation.”
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