Day 9 - Europe Increases Its Own Losses
“So far the Russian military operation in Ukraine has been a reconnaissance in force preceded by the destruction of the supplies and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by standoff weapons. The object being to suss out where the Ukrainian forces are, to surround them, to check existing Russian intelligence against reality and, at the same time, destroy known headquarters, air, and naval assets, supplies and ammunition depots.”
Read moreDay 7 – major moves in the south, human right report suppressed
“I think that this map is self-explanatory, especially since the only major change is in that pink box. What we see here is what looks to me like an envelopment of the city of Odessa and the surrounding towns. I would also notice that the distance between the Russian forces in Transnistria (Moldovia) is quickly shrinking.”
Read moreDay 4 of the Russian offensive in the Ukraine
“The Ukies are doing two things at the same time: they are blowing up bridges and explaining that they have defeated the Russian attack and are now counter-attacking on all fronts (Note: blowing up bridges is not what a winning force does).”
Read moreWow, ABC News Breaks Mainstream Media Blackout Of Hunter Biden Story
“In a video report, ABC News' Tom Llamas confronts Biden in person and lobs several hardball questions about the Hunter Biden scandal. Did Joe Biden allow his son to earn millions in shady deals in foreign countries?”
If you are using Chrome for a browser, Google may cut off the video. Copy / paste the URL into Firefox or Tor. The video is 1:37 long.
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