"The globalist cabal that invented and drove the make-believe COVID narrative is facing growing problems, as holes in the logic just keep getting larger over time. Case in point: The irrational promotion of vaccine equity. The problem is that developing nations with the lowest COVID jab uptakes have fared no worse, and in some cases far better, than developing countries that greedily “hoarded” shots and boosters for themselves."
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"In a recent interview, distinguished internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough shared how studies have indicated that synthetic mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna experimental COVID vaccines may last permanently in the body, can also transfer to the unvaccinated, and is “changing the human genome.” “It looks like the messenger RNA is transferring from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated now,” McCullough told Tanya Gaw from Action4Canada on November 24."
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"FTX’s founder, 30-year-old Sam Bankman-Fried — now suspected of having absconded with $1 billion to $2 billion of client funds as the exchange went belly-up in mid-November — was a top donor to the Democratic Party, second only to George Soros."
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“MW reports that overnight on the 26th of September, a Navy P8 Poseidon submarine-hunter jet flew out of the US to the Baltic. It did not land in the UK to refuel — thus avoiding any tracking complications — but rather rendezvoused over Grudziadz, Poland, with a US Bart-12 mid-air refueling plane, which it hooked up with for more than an hour. The P8 was equipped with Mk54 air-launched torpedoes. After un-docking from the Bart-12 refueler, the P8 followed a route west along the Nord Stream pipelines, descended to bomb-run altitude, and dropped its weapons. Kaboom.”
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“It doesn’t get any more insane than this: the more you vaccinate, the greater your chance of getting COVID. Vaccinate 3 times and your risk of getting COVID is 3 times worse than an unvaccinated person.”
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“Ed enlisted the help of an insurance industry expert to parse out the CDC Excess Deaths data. He says, “We were looking for other things but what we found was pretty shocking…He broke it down by age and he created a baseline for each age group to come up with excess mortality.”
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“One of the hallmarks of Florida’s response to the COVID “pandemic” has been that it not only encourages residents to get vaccinated, but it provides no-cost therapeutics via a network of clinics. The Biden administration has not been a fan of this strategy because it is both effective and popular.”
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New Findings, it is all about different vaccine lots!
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