"Young blood plasma transfusions for anti-aging are popular with some wealthy elites. There are claims that young blood rejuvenates the body's organs. But turning back the body's clock with transfusions might not need to be done anymore following research from Columbia University in New York that states an anti-inflammatory drug can rejuvenate the body and possibly increase the human lifespan by decades. "
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“While attending The Pit, sponsored by True the Vote and OPSEC over the weekend, one of the more remarkable presentations was the New York Citizens Audit on the “Weaponization of the Voter Rolls” in the 2020 General Election. It was not only substantive; it was moving because it showed how a rag-tag group of concerned citizens could find the near-to impossible.”
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“Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) was attacked by a man with a blade on Thursday evening during a campaign stop in Fairport, NY, near Rochester, WROC reports.”
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Lee Zeldin; “NY Supreme Court just STRUCK DOWN Hochul Admin's statewide mask mandate. Honored to have fought with small biz owners, parents, electeds like @NassauExec & many more for common sense, freedom & science. New Yorkers know best despite the Gov's "Hochul knows best" arrogance.”
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“Everyone was told that those who did not get the jab would regret it, but now it seems that the opposite is true. In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility.”
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“Voters in New York overwhelmingly rejected 3 election proposals on the ballot yesterday:
Dem-run redistricting,
Election Day voter registration,
No-excuse absentee voting.”
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“A federal judge in New York ruled on Tuesday that State Health Officials must allow employers to grant religious exemptions to a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers while a lawsuit challenging the mandate proceeds through the courts, according to the NY Times.”
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Winning. A Federal Judge issues an emergency injunction blocking the State of New York from enforcing a new vaccine mandate for health care workers.
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“A hospital in upstate New York will “pause” baby deliveries after too many staffers in its maternity unit quit over the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Lewis County hospital will stop delivering babies after September 24 after 6 workers in the maternity unit resigned. Another 7 maternity unit workers may also quit because they are still “undecided” about the Covid vaccine, Lewis County Health System CEO Gerald Cayer said Friday during a press conference.”
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“NEW YORK — The effort by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office to obscure the pandemic death toll in New York nursing homes was far greater than previously known, with aides repeatedly overruling state health officials over a span of at least five months, according to interviews and newly unearthed documents.”
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