“After the lightning victories of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine in the first days of the military operations, Russian forces and their allies are now focused on performing tactical tasks on the separate battlefields. There are fewer and fewer statements about Russian Armed Forces taking control over the cities,”
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“Today, rather than comment on the latest developments on the ground, I want to step back and revisit a few basic, but I believe absolutely fundamental aspects of the Russian military operation in not only the Donbass, but the entire Ukraine.”
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First, the biggest news of the day: the city of Izium fell to the Russian forces.
Second, for all practical purposes that cauldron was about 80% closed “by fire” for a few days already, this time it will be closed by Russian/LDNR forces meeting each other somewhere in that big no mans land between Pavlograd and Donetsk.
Third, The encirclement (cauldron) of Odessa is beginning.
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Putin – “ If the leadership of Ukraine continues to do what they are doing, it will call into question the future of Ukrainian statehood, and that will be entirely their responsibility”
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“First, the now obligatory map of the situation as of yesterday evening: According to am internal Ukrainian document which has been circulating on the Runet, apparently a leak from the Ukie security council, which admits 40% of the Ukrainian territory is under Russian control and over 75% of the Ukie military was destroyed.”
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“So far the Russian military operation in Ukraine has been a reconnaissance in force preceded by the destruction of the supplies and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by standoff weapons. The object being to suss out where the Ukrainian forces are, to surround them, to check existing Russian intelligence against reality and, at the same time, destroy known headquarters, air, and naval assets, supplies and ammunition depots.”
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The New York Times has reported this cartoon as “Russian-aligned disinformation”. What do you think?

“The business partner of Hunter Biden who flipped on the Biden family from prison provided access to 26,000 emails, Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said in a Saturday morning radio appearance.”
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“As the Hunter Biden laptop scandal threatens to throw the 2020 election into chaos with what appears to be solid, undisputed evidence of high-level corruption by former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, the same crowd which peddled the Trump-Russia hoax is now suggesting that Russia is behind it all.”
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