NHS Consultant Says Staff Are Being Silenced Over COVID-19


Here is an anonymous post from across the pond as they say.  We suggest you don't share it on Facebook or Twitter. If you want to share with friends, email the page link. After reading this we suggest you treat your first responder and healthcare providers well. We have no idea what kind of pressure they may be under.

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HCQ Helps Contain COVID-19 Cases: New Evidence and a Major Retraction


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) — the controversial COVID-19 treatment touted by President Donald Trump — might be gaining new traction in the fight against the Wuhan coronavirus.

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Bari Weiss Quits New York Times, Excoriates Paper As 'Performance Space' For Woke Olympics

Bari Weiss

There are still some good Journalists left. They possess principals, professionalism, values, and courage.  The Gray Lady is little more than bird-cage liner. In case you wondered, We don't have much use for the NYTimes stories. Most of our readers can't open it because of the pay-wall.

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Navy SEAL Veteran and Wisconsin Congressional Candidate Derrick Van Orden Saves 77-Year-Old Woman

Derrick Van Orden

“Derrick Van Orden, the Republican congressional candidate for Wisconsin’s 3rd congressional district and a Navy SEAL veteran, recently rescued a 77-year-old woman from choking during dinner, saving her life.”

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The Left's "Boycott" Of Goya Has Backfired Spectacularly As Conservative Customers Clean Out Store Shelves


“Leftists have called for a boycott over the brand after its CEO publicly praised President Donald Trump. Instead, conservatives took matters into their own hands and are reportedly buying more Goya products than they normally would to show support for the company, its CEO and the President. It's being called a "Buy-Cott". “

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Central Jersey Doctor Reports Patients Reinfected With Coronavirus


Coronavirus antibodies won't keep you from getting the virus again, says a Central Jersey doctor reporting that at least two of his patients have been reinfected with coronavirus after testing negative for months in between.


We find this as may be troubling for any vaccine effort. It is hard to imagine that a vaccine can work if no long term results can be achieved. So, it may be like a flu vaccine that has to be given year after year with mixed reults. We shall have to see.

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Chinese study: Antibodies in COVID-19 patients fade quickly

Short life antibodies

The is from Michael Osterholm's Group at the University of Minnesota.  "A new study from China showed that antibodies faded quickly in both asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 patients during convalescence, raising questions about whether the illness leads to any lasting immunity to the virus afterward.”

This raises a question of whether there may be a lasting immunity and that includes herd immunity.

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George Soros announces $220M new investment in Black Marxist groups


“Progressive billionaire George Soros’s philanthropic organization — Open Society Foundations — announced Monday that it will donate $220 million to groups focused on “racial justice.””

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